Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I haven't forgotten you! Challenge 4-8

Hey everyone, it has been very busy around here. Our little man got tubes put in his ears & had his adenoids taken out, it has been a very busy last week. Anywho... althou I have been busy with him I have still been decluttering just not posting here. So, I have some more challenges for you... However I don't have pictures... Just don't have the time right now. So read on for the challenges and let me know how you all are doing!

Challenge #4: Living Room, it has taken me years to be "comfortable" in our living room, you have to find the right flow or it just doesn't work well at all. I started by cleaning off my entertainment center and all of it's cubbies. We got rid of all of our DVD's (more for the garage sale) and then I moved on to all of the surfaces "mantle, 1/2 wall, bar ledge I dusted all of those and took anything off of them I didn't absolutly HAVE to have there. Then I tackled our little book case, it houses more pictures then anything but it did have some books. I went through them and I got rid of all that I have read or will not read & then I took the ones I want to read and put them up... so I have them when I am ready for a book. After that I figured out how to get my blankets and decorative pillows to not look like clutter and wala... I was all done. I also assigned the remotes a spot... top of the tv. I personally was sick of losing them.

Challenge #5: Kitchen, I started with doing all of my drawers (do one and then take a break if you need to, but I got on a roll and did it all in one afternoon) I did my silverware drawer and there was so much stuff I never use.... garage sale! Then I tackled my junk drawer.... more stuff for the garage sale and lots of TRASH!! Then I did my cabinets, and reorganized how I wanted everything and where. We don't have a lot of cabinet space so I dont take advantage of it. I kept tossing things still.... lots of garage sale items and things that just needed a new home. I will say I have left my one cabinet that houses all of my spices and baking stuff... that will be a challenge all in it's own. I also left the fridge & freezer. Again...another challenge another day. If you feel up to doing it all go ahead thou.

Challenge #6: Coat closet, this wasn't very time consuming for us. We took our Kirby attachments and got them mounted to the wall, took all of the other Kirby stuff we don't use regularly out to the garage for storage, we then gave the camcorder a home and got rid of all of the coats we will no longer use. We then hung the rest up nice and neat and mom made the rule "If you use your coat hang it back up" There is no reason for them all to just be shoved in there like that. I also think that instead of having the kids coats in their room they will also get put in the coat closet in our hallway. It is just one less thing for them to have cluttering up their room & take up more space.

Challenge #7: Kiley's closet. You may not have a Kiley but clean your child's closet :) I have made the mistake in the past of saying "If it doesn't fit you get rid of it" However that did nothing for allof the stuff she had she just didn't like or that didn't fit comfortably and she didn't want. So this time I said "If you don't like it, don't wear it OR it doesn't fit.... get rid of it" Her closet is looking way better now. I also organized her clothes the way I do mine (Sweaters, Long Sleeved Shirts, Tanks, T-Shirts, Dress Clothing) it makes it easier for her to find them and put them away. Less searching.

Challenge #8 Kiley's dresser drawers. Again you may not have a Kiley but clean your child's drawers. We started at the top with undies & socks. Socks had a hole... they were gone. If they didn't fit... they were gone. Undies... stained or didn't fit...gone. She had a pair of fours she was still wearing. She is 9...explain that one to me?? We then did her jammies (drawer two) and then her shorts (drawer 3) and then jeans (drawer 4). Mom's other new rule, I will buy you jeans in the fall and they will get cut off into play shorts in the summer. She ruins almost all of her nice shorts otherwise. Just a tip.

Happy Cleaning, let me know how you all are doing, remember not to get overwhelmed just take it a day at a time, 15 minutes at a time.


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